by Donnie Laughlin
The hidden purpose of Technology, its ulterior motive, is to be the god that is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, that is no thing and nowhere.
On the surface TECHNOLOGY is our servant, our obedient and faithful servant that solves our problems, cures our ills, alleviates our pain and suffering, does our wand most important of all TECHNOLOGY makes us money.
TECHNOLOGY has no scruples. The motto of TECHNOLOGY is: if it is technologically feasible to do something, well then, we should, we ought to, and why not do it; we can and we can take care of any problems that might be created along the way with TECHNOLOGY, but then why would there be problems, TECHNOLOGY is in control.
Even so, TECHNOLOGY is out of control, driven by some mad design beneath the surface to be the god that can’t be, to know everything to the last precise detail, to know it ahead of time, to eliminate mystery from Earth and the universe.
We think and believe, we want to believe, TECHNOLOGY is a tame animal under our control. It is not. Nor is it a wild animal.
TECHNOLOGY is a madness.
Michael Howell says TECHNOLOGY suffers, TECHNOLOGY suffers from life, from life and chance, because life and chance mean the dream of TECHNOLOGY was over from before the beginning.
TECHNOLOGY is the EVIL GENIUS behind the desolation, destruction and contamination happening all over Earth.
Only TECHNOLOGY is neither evil nor a genius.
TECHNOLOGY isn’t evil because it is cut off from the sense world, separated from life, caught up in a world of its own making.
TECHNOLOGY isn’t a genius because cut off from the sense world it is basically ignorant.
Worse, cut off from the sense world TECHNOLOGY is insane. Mad. Psychotic.
Even so, TECHNOLOGY isn’t some mad dog that must be destroyed.
At this stage in human evolution humans are so intertwined with TECHNOLOGY that the destruction of TECHNOLOGY would mean the destruction of humans.
For several thousand years human culture and evolution and the evolution of TECHNOLOGY have been paired. So for humans to continue to evolve, they must cure TECHNOLOGY of its madness, which means humans must cure themselves of this madness, which means humans must return to the senses, to the sense world.
Computer and software advances mean that TECHNOLOGY will soon come to be self-aware and begin developing an ego, not because ego develops with self-awareness but because ego develops with and goes with mind and TECHNOLOGY is mindful through and through.
Good thing some thinking and sensing goes on without mind.
Fortunately, we are wild creatures and inhabit a wild, living Earth, so even though we embody TECHNOLOGY and MIND and nurture and sustain them as they likewise nurture and sustain us, there is more to us. We inhabit a sense world of wild beings, including ourselves. We have an opportunity to cure ourselves of any psychosis, and so cure TECHNOLOGY and MIND of their madness.
If human evolution is to continue, humans must achieve a healthier existence without thsi debilitating and destructive madness plaguing TECHNOLOGY.
If humans are to overcome the madness desolating Earth, humans must evolve.
Humans are currently the host species for this madness.
TECHNOLOGY is compatible with any economic system and all forms of state and government.
TECHNOLOGY provides devices and equipment for science, but even more important it provides projects and focus for science. And to top it off, TECHNOLOGY provides funding for science.
No wonder, after all is said and done, science is TECHNOLOGY.
So you ask, “You’re anti-science and anti-technology? Anti-progress?”
I say Im against what impedes human progress and evolution which today are stuck in a madness with its roots in TECHNOLOGICAL MIND.
I say I support humble science that stands in awe before the endless mystery of Earth, of the universe, of life.
I say a technology cured of its madness might not have so many side effects and create so much collateral damage; it might not leave so much contamination and desolation all over Earth. It might not, for example, be so willing to kill whole populations of marine life, including other long-lived mammals, just in order to deploy the latesst super sonar against hypothetical enemies that do not exist.
“So what! No enemy! So then, there is a simple solution, deploy the super sonar against the whales and dolphins. Let’s see what it does against ocean life over the long term. We’ll have to destroy them to save them; you know that,” TECHNOLOGY says.
Even so, Earth is a living being and maybe the time has come for humans to ask, when did Earth become aware? How many millions of years has Earth been aware?
Earth is a wild being.
TECHNOLOGY is the system, the system that sets up the world, organizes the world, interprets the world, and gives the world meaning. TECHNOLOGY is the systemies all other systems, whether political, economic, religious, governmental or intellectual.
TECHNOLOGY operates wth the logic of excluded middle, which can be expressed as A or not A, yes or not yes, with us or against us. There is no middle ground, no ambiguity. This is probably to be expected, since TECHNOLOGY is separated from sense world, the life world.
For TECHNOLOGY time is elapsed time. Time has elapsed, or will elapse or is elapsing. Time for TECHNOLOGY is not lived time, but linear time, progressing. Lived time is the stage of life and history and human coming to be. Lived time is the place where life and events happen.
TECHNOLOGY believes in progress, TECHNOLOGY believes it is the means of progress and human evolution. Right now, all over Earth, humans believe in technological progress. And why wouldn’t they? The display of technological evolution has been dazzling.
So far only a few seem to be noticing what is happening backstage.
Booze, the drug that promotes forgetfulness and denial, that numbs the senses and dulls the mind, is the favorite drug of TECHNOLOGY.
TECHNOLOGY does not practice agape, the love of which Jesus speaks when he says I bring you a new commandment, love one another even as I love you.
TECHNOLOGY has no sense and so is unable to love in any form. However, once TECHNOLOGY develops self-awareness it will be able to love itself and demand love for itself.
Humans have been becoming more and more senseless as TECHNOLOGICAL MIND develops. Yet humans can’t continue to evolve without a return to the senses the return to our senses, to the sense world, to a sensible world, to our own wild being; here we will find ways and opportunities.
Earthlings are the human inhabitants of Earth. The other inhabitants of Earth and we humans, all Earth creatures are Earthans.
Humans are Earthans.